1 |
Showing Sympathy
2 |
Saying Goodbye
3 |
Showing You're Listening
4 |
Changing the Subject
5 |
Summing up
6 |
Asking for Information
7 |
Saying You Remember
8 |
Saying You Have Forgotten
9 |
10 |
Asking About Remembering
11 |
Saying You Know About Something
12 |
Saying You Don't Know About Something
13 |
Asking If Something is Correct
14 |
Saying Something is Correct
15 |
Saying Something is not Correct
16 |
Correcting Someone
17 |
Asking If Someone is Sure about Something
18 |
Saying You're Sure
19 |
Saying You're not Sure
20 |
Saying What You Think is Impossible or Possible
21 |
Talking About What Might Happen
22 |
Asking What Someone Feels Before Someting Happens
23 |
Saying You Are Curious
24 |
Saying What You Hope Will Happen
25 |
Saying What You Want
26 |
Saying You're Optimistic
27 |
Saying You're Pessimistic
28 |
Saying You're Worried or Afraid
29 |
Asking How Someone Feels After Something Happen
30 |
Expressing Surprise
31 |
Saying You're Pleased
32 |
Saying You're Displeased or Angry
33 |
Saying You're Dissapointed
34 |
Calming or Reassuring Someone
35 |
Asking About Likes
36 |
Expressing Likes
37 |
Expressing Dislikes
38 |
Asking About Preference
39 |
Saying What You Prefer
40 |
Asking If Someone Approves
41 |
Saying You Approve
42 |
Saying You Don't Approve
43 |
44 |
Asking for Someone's Opinion
45 |
Giving Your Opinion
46 |
Saying You Have No Opinion
47 |
Introducing Yourself
48 |
Introducing Someone
49 |
Greeting Someone
50 |
Inviting Someone
51 |
Accepting an Invitation
52 |
Declining an Invitation
53 |
Offering Something
54 |
Accepting an Offer of Something
55 |
Declining an Offer of Something
56 |
57 |
58 |
59 |
Saying Sorry
60 |
Accepting an Apology